Welcome to Fifi's Fabulous Fragrance Box - get 10% off your first order with fifi10
Our promise: quality scents to fill your home.

Who am I?
I am Fiona (Fi or Fifi), 40 something mum to Anna (7), Coco (the furry one) and wife to David (French). After many years of corporate 9-5 (and then some) I moved to part time and set up my own business, to have more freedom and time to spend with my family. I just love things that smell good.
I have worked for over eight months researching and developing products that I hope you will all love.
Stay fragrant and fabulous!
Our mission.
My mission is above all to provide a quality product, people will love and share.
I have worked to find the best quality ingredients that are vegan friendly, cruelty-free and recycled / recyclable (where possible).

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